Posts tagged 'House prices'

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I'm uploading the latest Land Registry data to the site. We've now had price falls for 6 months, although it looks like the falls may have slowed or stopped. The number of sales continues to look grim. The lowest annual sales ever was in the year to June 2009 and it looks like we may go below that, although it is difficult to know for certain since it can take quite some time for all the data to get to the Land Registry

I've uploaded the latest house sales data from the Land Registry to the website. Prices continue to fall although it looks like maybe the pace is beginning to slow. Sales volumes continue to fall with no sign of bottoming out.

On a regional level, prices have fallen pretty much everywhere.

I'm in the process of importing the latest house price data to the website. House prices are continuing to fall and sales continue to look on the low side. I guess this will continue until interest rates start to fall

I've uploaded the latest house price data from the Land Registry to the website. Prices continue to slide. If they fall again next month, it will be the longest period of sustained falls since 2012. Sales are trickier to evaluate since it can take some time for all the data to come in but they still look on the low side.

The website is churning through the latest data from the Land Registry and the top line numbers are now online. Sales volumes still look low and the the fall in prices continues. Maybe there'll be another Stamp Duty holiday to turn the numbers around in time for an election.

I've also recently updated the average income data by MSOA area. The data is released rather slowly by the ONS, so we are only now able to get it for 2020. Perhaps unsurprisingly, pretty much all the areas with the highest incomes are in London and the South East of England. I could highlight some of the areas at the top of the list, but the confidence intervals are so large I suspect this may not be that informative. If you want to see the original data, you can download it directly from the ONS.

I've uploaded the latest Land Registry website data to the website. Perhaps unsurprisingly, house prices are now falling and sales volumes don't look very healthy

The server is currently churning through the latest house price data from the Land Registry. The trend continues, the number of sales is falling and prices are dropping with the annual percentage change likely to turn negative next month. The rise in interest rates finally seems to be having an effect.

I've uploaded the latest house price data for England and Wales to the website

Prices are heading down but the annual change remains in positive territory.

I've updated the Land Registry data on the website. The annual change is still in positive territory but prices look to be starting to head downwards. Taking into account inflation and wage increases, house prices are falling, but given the increases in mortgage costs, affordability is probably not

Another month goes by and the world may be on fire but house prices keep going up

I've uploaded the latest Land Registry data for England and Wales to the website. House prices keep going up and seem remarkably resilient given the increase in mortgage costs

I've uploaded the latest Land Registry data to the site. Rising interest rates still don't seem to be having much of an impact

The latest Land Registry data is up on the site. The Nationwide is reporting that house prices are falling at their fastest rate for 14 years but the Land Registry data isn't really showing that at the moment. Monthly figures have been heading downwards but the annual figure is still in positive territory. The Nationwide data is more up to date than the Land Registry data so I expect to see falls in the coming months.

I've uploaded the latest house price data from the Land Registry to the website. Prices continue their upward march, seemingly unaffected by interest rate rises. Sales volumes appear pretty low, although that's possibly due to the laggy nature of the Land Registry data

I've uploaded the latest property data to the website. Sales activity is still on the low side and although annual price inflation is still moving upwards, prices look to be drifting downwards.

Posts on the old blog tagged 'House prices'