Wroughton Airfield postcodes

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There are 5 postcodes in the built up area of Wroughton Airfield. The area contains approximately 3 households with a population of about 6 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use
Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
SN4 0QX51.503451-1.792487414500178300SU144782No
SN4 0QY51.503451-1.792487414500178300SU144782No
SN4 0ST51.498439-1.80572413583177740SU135777No
SN4 9NS51.502344-1.791613414561178177SU145781No
SN4 9NU51.514065-1.799159414034179479SU140794Yes