Copster Green postcodes

There are 12 postcodes in the built up area of Copster Green. The area contains approximately 119 households with a population of about 290 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

This table shows the first postcodes in the built up area, download the CSV file to get all the postcodes.

Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
BB1 9AL53.797825-2.497424367333433617SD673336Yes
BB1 9EH53.798144-2.496259367410433652SD674336Yes
BB1 9EJ53.799875-2.492833367637433843SD676338Yes
BB1 9EL53.80043-2.49255367656433905SD676339Yes
BB1 9EN53.802079-2.492373367669434088SD676340Yes
BB1 9EP53.800515-2.493568367589433915SD675339Yes
BB1 9EQ53.79787-2.49425367542433621SD675336Yes
BB1 9ET53.803146-2.495164367486434208SD674342Yes
BB1 9EU53.800277-2.495753367445433889SD674338Yes
BB1 9EW53.801369-2.492274367675434009SD676340Yes
BB1 9EZ53.80217-2.496458367400434100SD674340No
BB1 9GH53.80217-2.496458367400434100SD674340No