Hardington Mandeville postcodes

There are 10 postcodes in the built up area of Hardington Mandeville. The area contains approximately 98 households with a population of about 237 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

This table shows the first postcodes in the built up area, download the CSV file to get all the postcodes.

Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
BA22 9PE50.905173-2.693919351304111974ST513119Yes
BA22 9PF50.907331-2.694081351295112214ST512122Yes
BA22 9PG50.903979-2.696589351115111843ST511118Yes
BA22 9PJ50.901311-2.696037351151111546ST511115Yes
BA22 9PL50.90041-2.693594351322111444ST513114Yes
BA22 9PP50.899551-2.698628350967111352ST509113Yes
BA22 9PQ50.903709-2.695092351220111812ST512118Yes
BA22 9PR50.902995-2.697143351075111734ST510117Yes
BA22 9PT50.899869-2.693556351324111384ST513113Yes
BA22 9PU50.904752-2.69673351106111929ST511119Yes