Priorsfield Road, nr Godalming postcodes

There are 7 postcodes in the built up area of Priorsfield Road, nr Godalming. The area contains approximately 52 households with a population of about 126 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

This table shows the first postcodes in the built up area, download the CSV file to get all the postcodes.

Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
GU3 1DP51.214536-0.645989494669147019SU946470Yes
GU3 1DR51.211609-0.646375494648146693SU946466Yes
GU3 1DS51.212376-0.644291494792146781SU947467Yes
GU3 1DT51.214665-0.647846494539147031SU945470Yes
GU3 1DU51.216202-0.648546494487147201SU944472Yes
GU3 1DW51.214233-0.64648494635146985SU946469Yes
GU3 1DX51.217027-0.646002494663147296SU946472Yes