Hawtin Park Industrial Estate postcodes

There are 10 postcodes in the built up area of Hawtin Park Industrial Estate. The area contains approximately 18 households with a population of about 42 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

This table shows the first postcodes in the built up area, download the CSV file to get all the postcodes.

Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
NP12 2EU51.65571-3.211046316320195908ST163959Yes
NP12 2QB51.653776-3.215221316028195698ST160956Yes
NP12 2QE51.655096-3.216225315961195846ST159958Yes
NP12 2RH51.654999-3.214583316074195833ST160958Yes
NP12 2RJ51.66303-3.185418318106196693ST181966Yes
NP2 2EU51.653078-3.214885316050195620ST160956No
NP2 2QB51.65379-3.215626316000195700ST160957No
NP2 2QE51.655059-3.214649316070195840ST160958No
NP2 2XU51.653013-3.212426316220195610ST162956No
NP2 2XZ51.653195-3.212286316230195630ST162956No