This page provides postcode data for the E00039891 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00039891 contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 304 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S4 7DQ | 53.400891 | -1.453027 | 436465 | 389480 | SK364894 | Yes |
S4 7EX | 53.400595 | -1.45303 | 436465 | 389447 | SK364894 | Yes |
S4 7EY | 53.40044 | -1.452566 | 436496 | 389430 | SK364894 | Yes |
S4 7FB | 53.399962 | -1.450226 | 436652 | 389378 | SK366893 | Yes |
S4 7FE | 53.399813 | -1.45104 | 436598 | 389361 | SK365893 | Yes |
S4 7SN | 53.400383 | -1.451815 | 436546 | 389424 | SK365894 | Yes |
S4 8LG | 53.399847 | -1.448799 | 436747 | 389366 | SK367893 | No |
S4 8LX | 53.400149 | -1.447998 | 436800 | 389400 | SK367893 | No |