This page provides postcode data for the E00055965 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00055965 contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 267 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
HD2 1FE | 53.668405 | -1.745555 | 416909 | 419133 | SE169191 | Yes |
HD2 1FQ | 53.667605 | -1.746742 | 416831 | 419044 | SE168190 | Yes |
HD2 1GY | 53.66919 | -1.751378 | 416524 | 419219 | SE165192 | Yes |
HD2 1LY | 53.668478 | -1.750443 | 416586 | 419140 | SE165191 | Yes |
HD2 1TY | 53.667829 | -1.749615 | 416641 | 419068 | SE166190 | Yes |
HD2 1UA | 53.669383 | -1.74599 | 416880 | 419242 | SE168192 | Yes |
HD2 1UB | 53.66815 | -1.748402 | 416721 | 419104 | SE167191 | Yes |
HD2 1UD | 53.668373 | -1.748736 | 416699 | 419129 | SE166191 | Yes |
HD2 1UE | 53.671627 | -1.747443 | 416783 | 419491 | SE167194 | Yes |
HD2 1UF | 53.6718 | -1.748834 | 416691 | 419510 | SE166195 | Yes |
HD2 1UG | 53.670345 | -1.749327 | 416659 | 419348 | SE166193 | Yes |
HD2 1UL | 53.673256 | -1.745482 | 416912 | 419673 | SE169196 | Yes |
HD2 1UN | 53.672733 | -1.74783 | 416757 | 419614 | SE167196 | No |
HD2 1WA | 53.669552 | -1.748469 | 416716 | 419260 | SE167192 | Yes |
HD2 1WB | 53.668787 | -1.74893 | 416686 | 419175 | SE166191 | Yes |