Ashingdon postcodes

There are 11 postcodes in the built up area of Ashingdon. The area contains approximately 92 households with a population of about 232 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

This table shows the first postcodes in the built up area, download the CSV file to get all the postcodes.

Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
SS4 3JH51.6140940.683944585921193997TQ859939No
SS4 3JJ51.6139380.686405586092193986TQ860939Yes
SS4 3JL51.6138230.693586549193990TQ865939Yes
SS4 3JP51.6157790.689678586311194199TQ863941Yes
SS4 3JR51.6154290.690018586336194161TQ863941Yes
SS4 3JS51.6153740.691662586450194159TQ864941Yes
SS4 3JT51.6174540.692348586489194392TQ864943Yes
SS4 3JU51.6172220.688304586210194356TQ862943Yes
SS4 3JX51.6181990.688882586246194466TQ862944Yes
SS4 3LN51.614710.684803585978194068TQ859940Yes
SS4 3LW51.6176780.686106586056194401TQ860944Yes