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Datum Properties Home

The Datum type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDS
Gets the scaling factor used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
Public propertyDX
Gets the x parameter of the translation vector used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
Public propertyDY
Gets the y parameter of the translation vector used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
Public propertyDZ
Gets the z parameter of the translation vector used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
Public propertyName
Get the name of this Datum.
Public propertyReferenceEllipsoid
Get the reference ellipsoid associated with this Datum.
Public propertyRX
Gets the x parameter of the rotation matrix used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
Public propertyRY
Gets the y parameter of the rotation matrix used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
Public propertyRZ
Gets the z parameter of the rotation matrix used by the Helmert Transformation when converting between datums.
See Also