This page provides postcode data for the E00022346 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 170 households with a population of about 460 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
E17 7PE | 51.579799 | -0.032767 | 536407 | 188604 | TQ364886 | Yes |
E17 7PN | 51.57997 | -0.032127 | 536451 | 188624 | TQ364886 | Yes |
E17 8AA | 51.578928 | -0.032863 | 536403 | 188507 | TQ364885 | Yes |
E17 8AB | 51.579002 | -0.031936 | 536467 | 188517 | TQ364885 | Yes |
E17 8AD | 51.579866 | -0.033445 | 536360 | 188610 | TQ363886 | Yes |
E17 8AF | 51.579308 | -0.033568 | 536353 | 188548 | TQ363885 | Yes |
E17 8RL | 51.578842 | -0.031466 | 536500 | 188500 | TQ365885 | No |