This page provides postcode data for the E00086809 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 294 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 5BU | 50.916991 | -1.4179 | 441016 | 113220 | SU410132 | No |
SO1 5BW | 50.916935 | -1.419181 | 440926 | 113213 | SU409132 | No |
SO1 5BX | 50.917338 | -1.418977 | 440940 | 113258 | SU409132 | No |
SO1 5DS | 50.916112 | -1.418267 | 440991 | 113122 | SU409131 | No |
SO1 5DT | 50.916105 | -1.418793 | 440954 | 113121 | SU409131 | No |
SO1 5EH | 50.916838 | -1.419623 | 440895 | 113202 | SU408132 | No |
SO15 5BU | 50.917029 | -1.418047 | 441006 | 113224 | SU410132 | Yes |
SO15 5BW | 50.916935 | -1.419181 | 440926 | 113213 | SU409132 | Yes |
SO15 5BX | 50.917338 | -1.418963 | 440941 | 113258 | SU409132 | Yes |
SO15 5DS | 50.916049 | -1.418282 | 440990 | 113115 | SU409131 | Yes |
SO15 5DT | 50.916142 | -1.418798 | 440954 | 113125 | SU409131 | Yes |
SO15 5EH | 50.916811 | -1.419586 | 440898 | 113199 | SU408131 | Yes |