This page provides postcode data for the E00086834 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 154 households with a population of about 294 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 0HQ | 50.910009 | -1.426123 | 440444 | 112439 | SU404124 | No |
SO1 0HR | 50.910305 | -1.42784 | 440323 | 112471 | SU403124 | No |
SO1 0HS | 50.910664 | -1.429443 | 440210 | 112510 | SU402125 | No |
SO1 0JS | 50.910359 | -1.429731 | 440190 | 112476 | SU401124 | No |
SO1 3AG | 50.910662 | -1.427381 | 440355 | 112511 | SU403125 | No |
SO1 3AH | 50.910775 | -1.428233 | 440295 | 112523 | SU402125 | No |
SO1 3AJ | 50.910858 | -1.428659 | 440265 | 112532 | SU402125 | No |
SO1 3BU | 50.911254 | -1.42891 | 440247 | 112576 | SU402125 | No |
SO1 3SG | 50.910597 | -1.42869 | 440263 | 112503 | SU402125 | No |
SO15 1HQ | 50.91 | -1.426123 | 440444 | 112438 | SU404124 | Yes |
SO15 1HR | 50.910305 | -1.42784 | 440323 | 112471 | SU403124 | Yes |
SO15 1HS | 50.910637 | -1.429378 | 440215 | 112507 | SU402125 | Yes |
SO15 1JS | 50.910285 | -1.429334 | 440218 | 112468 | SU402124 | Yes |
SO15 3AG | 50.910573 | -1.427374 | 440356 | 112501 | SU403125 | Yes |
SO15 3AH | 50.910775 | -1.428233 | 440295 | 112523 | SU402125 | Yes |
SO15 3AJ | 50.910849 | -1.42865 | 440266 | 112531 | SU402125 | Yes |
SO15 3BU | 50.911254 | -1.42891 | 440247 | 112576 | SU402125 | Yes |
SO15 3NR | 50.910577 | -1.426307 | 440431 | 112502 | SU404125 | Yes |
SO15 3SG | 50.910597 | -1.42869 | 440263 | 112503 | SU402125 | Yes |