This page provides postcode data for the E00087071 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 117 households with a population of about 333 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 9DX | 50.92738 | -1.457554 | 438220 | 114354 | SU382143 | No |
SO1 9DZ | 50.928286 | -1.457088 | 438252 | 114455 | SU382144 | No |
SO1 9EA | 50.928211 | -1.456577 | 438288 | 114447 | SU382144 | No |
SO1 9EF | 50.929146 | -1.458487 | 438153 | 114550 | SU381145 | No |
SO1 9GA | 50.930406 | -1.458586 | 438145 | 114690 | SU381146 | No |
SO1 9GB | 50.929708 | -1.457484 | 438223 | 114613 | SU382146 | No |
SO1 9GD | 50.929354 | -1.45662 | 438284 | 114574 | SU382145 | No |
SO1 9GE | 50.928925 | -1.457323 | 438235 | 114526 | SU382145 | No |
SO1 9GF | 50.928421 | -1.455365 | 438373 | 114471 | SU383144 | No |
SO16 9DX | 50.92738 | -1.457554 | 438220 | 114354 | SU382143 | Yes |
SO16 9DZ | 50.928286 | -1.457088 | 438252 | 114455 | SU382144 | Yes |
SO16 9EA | 50.928292 | -1.456476 | 438295 | 114456 | SU382144 | Yes |
SO16 9EF | 50.929146 | -1.458487 | 438153 | 114550 | SU381145 | Yes |
SO16 9GA | 50.930406 | -1.458586 | 438145 | 114690 | SU381146 | Yes |
SO16 9GB | 50.929708 | -1.457484 | 438223 | 114613 | SU382146 | Yes |
SO16 9GD | 50.929354 | -1.45662 | 438284 | 114574 | SU382145 | Yes |
SO16 9GE | 50.928925 | -1.457323 | 438235 | 114526 | SU382145 | Yes |
SO16 9GF | 50.928421 | -1.455365 | 438373 | 114471 | SU383144 | Yes |
SO16 9QX | 50.92802 | -1.455958 | 438332 | 114426 | SU383144 | Yes |