This page provides postcode data for the E00087094 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 155 households with a population of about 363 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 9AA | 50.918592 | -1.457087 | 438260 | 113377 | SU382133 | No |
SO1 9AB | 50.91847 | -1.458013 | 438195 | 113363 | SU381133 | No |
SO1 9AD | 50.918861 | -1.458948 | 438129 | 113406 | SU381134 | No |
SO1 9AE | 50.919235 | -1.460024 | 438053 | 113447 | SU380134 | No |
SO1 9AF | 50.920544 | -1.461133 | 437974 | 113592 | SU379135 | No |
SO1 9AG | 50.920776 | -1.460661 | 438007 | 113618 | SU380136 | No |
SO16 9AA | 50.918601 | -1.457087 | 438260 | 113378 | SU382133 | Yes |
SO16 9AB | 50.918479 | -1.458013 | 438195 | 113364 | SU381133 | Yes |
SO16 9AD | 50.918852 | -1.458948 | 438129 | 113405 | SU381134 | Yes |
SO16 9AE | 50.919244 | -1.460024 | 438053 | 113448 | SU380134 | Yes |
SO16 9AF | 50.920625 | -1.461146 | 437973 | 113601 | SU379136 | Yes |
SO16 9AG | 50.920713 | -1.460648 | 438008 | 113611 | SU380136 | Yes |