This page provides postcode data for the E00087138 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 116 households with a population of about 310 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 5FD | 50.922179 | -1.423156 | 440642 | 113794 | SU406137 | No |
SO1 5FE | 50.922967 | -1.424199 | 440568 | 113881 | SU405138 | No |
SO1 5FF | 50.922429 | -1.422783 | 440668 | 113822 | SU406138 | No |
SO1 5GW | 50.921778 | -1.423915 | 440589 | 113749 | SU405137 | No |
SO1 5GY | 50.922193 | -1.424237 | 440566 | 113795 | SU405137 | No |
SO1 5GZ | 50.922393 | -1.42452 | 440546 | 113817 | SU405138 | No |
SO1 5HA | 50.922691 | -1.424928 | 440517 | 113850 | SU405138 | No |
SO1 5HB | 50.922873 | -1.425239 | 440495 | 113870 | SU404138 | No |
SO1 5HD | 50.923365 | -1.424749 | 440529 | 113925 | SU405139 | No |
SO15 5FD | 50.922179 | -1.423171 | 440641 | 113794 | SU406137 | Yes |
SO15 5FE | 50.922966 | -1.424185 | 440569 | 113881 | SU405138 | Yes |
SO15 5FF | 50.922411 | -1.422798 | 440667 | 113820 | SU406138 | Yes |
SO15 5GW | 50.921778 | -1.423915 | 440589 | 113749 | SU405137 | Yes |
SO15 5GY | 50.922193 | -1.424237 | 440566 | 113795 | SU405137 | Yes |
SO15 5GZ | 50.922393 | -1.42452 | 440546 | 113817 | SU405138 | Yes |
SO15 5HA | 50.922691 | -1.424928 | 440517 | 113850 | SU405138 | Yes |
SO15 5HB | 50.922873 | -1.425239 | 440495 | 113870 | SU404138 | Yes |
SO15 5HD | 50.923365 | -1.424749 | 440529 | 113925 | SU405139 | Yes |