This page provides postcode data for the E00146477 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 281 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
OX12 9DN | 51.590602 | -1.439301 | 438940 | 188121 | SU389881 | Yes |
OX12 9DR | 51.590865 | -1.439963 | 438894 | 188150 | SU388881 | Yes |
OX12 9DS | 51.590904 | -1.440336 | 438868 | 188154 | SU388881 | Yes |
OX12 9DT | 51.590398 | -1.44199 | 438754 | 188097 | SU387880 | Yes |
OX12 9DU | 51.589775 | -1.443383 | 438658 | 188027 | SU386880 | Yes |
OX12 9DX | 51.59056 | -1.440082 | 438886 | 188116 | SU388881 | Yes |
OX12 9DY | 51.590467 | -1.439463 | 438929 | 188106 | SU389881 | Yes |
OX12 9TQ | 51.590245 | -1.439971 | 438894 | 188081 | SU388880 | Yes |
OX12 9XS | 51.590093 | -1.440189 | 438879 | 188064 | SU388880 | Yes |
OX12 9XT | 51.589403 | -1.44079 | 438838 | 187987 | SU388879 | Yes |
OX12 9XU | 51.591352 | -1.440013 | 438890 | 188204 | SU388882 | Yes |
OX12 9XY | 51.591026 | -1.44178 | 438768 | 188167 | SU387881 | Yes |