This page provides postcode data for the E00087053 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00087053 contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 343 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 0NR | 50.920884 | -1.464686 | 437724 | 113628 | SU377136 | No |
SO1 9AN | 50.922602 | -1.462831 | 437853 | 113820 | SU378138 | No |
SO1 9AP | 50.922678 | -1.463698 | 437792 | 113828 | SU377138 | No |
SO1 9GX | 50.923903 | -1.462247 | 437893 | 113965 | SU378139 | No |
SO1 9LZ | 50.923142 | -1.462939 | 437845 | 113880 | SU378138 | No |
SO15 0NR | 50.920884 | -1.464686 | 437724 | 113628 | SU377136 | No |
SO16 9AN | 50.922575 | -1.462732 | 437860 | 113817 | SU378138 | Yes |
SO16 9AP | 50.922678 | -1.463698 | 437792 | 113828 | SU377138 | Yes |
SO16 9GX | 50.923903 | -1.462247 | 437893 | 113965 | SU378139 | Yes |
SO16 9LZ | 50.923142 | -1.462939 | 437845 | 113880 | SU378138 | Yes |