This page provides postcode data for the E00087078 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00087078 contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 260 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 9BP | 50.929052 | -1.471337 | 437250 | 114533 | SU372145 | No |
SO1 9HS | 50.927233 | -1.464713 | 437717 | 114334 | SU377143 | No |
SO1 9HT | 50.927865 | -1.465232 | 437680 | 114404 | SU376144 | No |
SO1 9HX | 50.92867 | -1.464426 | 437736 | 114494 | SU377144 | No |
SO1 9HZ | 50.929162 | -1.465672 | 437648 | 114548 | SU376145 | No |
SO1 9JA | 50.929346 | -1.466681 | 437577 | 114568 | SU375145 | No |
SO1 9JD | 50.92902 | -1.468093 | 437478 | 114531 | SU374145 | No |
SO16 9BP | 50.929052 | -1.471337 | 437250 | 114533 | SU372145 | No |
SO16 9HS | 50.927233 | -1.464713 | 437717 | 114334 | SU377143 | Yes |
SO16 9HT | 50.927865 | -1.465232 | 437680 | 114404 | SU376144 | Yes |
SO16 9HX | 50.92867 | -1.464426 | 437736 | 114494 | SU377144 | Yes |
SO16 9HZ | 50.92926 | -1.465629 | 437651 | 114559 | SU376145 | Yes |
SO16 9JA | 50.929428 | -1.466643 | 437580 | 114577 | SU375145 | Yes |
SO16 9JD | 50.929217 | -1.468005 | 437484 | 114553 | SU374145 | Yes |
SO16 9QZ | 50.93032 | -1.469273 | 437394 | 114675 | SU373146 | Yes |