This page provides postcode data for the E00087086 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00087086 contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 277 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 9BH | 50.922547 | -1.474484 | 437034 | 113808 | SU370138 | No |
SO1 9BJ | 50.92313 | -1.474036 | 437065 | 113873 | SU370138 | No |
SO1 9BL | 50.923498 | -1.474089 | 437061 | 113914 | SU370139 | No |
SO1 9BN | 50.924078 | -1.474993 | 436997 | 113978 | SU369139 | No |
SO1 9BQ | 50.923793 | -1.473659 | 437091 | 113947 | SU370139 | No |
SO1 9BR | 50.923706 | -1.472223 | 437192 | 113938 | SU371139 | No |
SO1 9BT | 50.923654 | -1.470616 | 437305 | 113933 | SU373139 | No |
SO1 9BU | 50.923629 | -1.471171 | 437266 | 113930 | SU372139 | No |
SO1 9JP | 50.922241 | -1.474416 | 437039 | 113774 | SU370137 | No |
SO1 9JX | 50.929335 | -1.474137 | 437053 | 114563 | SU370145 | No |
SO16 9BH | 50.922547 | -1.474484 | 437034 | 113808 | SU370138 | Yes |
SO16 9BJ | 50.923075 | -1.473923 | 437073 | 113867 | SU370138 | Yes |
SO16 9BL | 50.923498 | -1.474089 | 437061 | 113914 | SU370139 | Yes |
SO16 9BN | 50.924078 | -1.474993 | 436997 | 113978 | SU369139 | Yes |
SO16 9BQ | 50.923849 | -1.473806 | 437081 | 113953 | SU370139 | Yes |
SO16 9BR | 50.923706 | -1.472223 | 437192 | 113938 | SU371139 | Yes |
SO16 9BT | 50.923654 | -1.470616 | 437305 | 113933 | SU373139 | Yes |
SO16 9BU | 50.923629 | -1.471171 | 437266 | 113930 | SU372139 | Yes |
SO16 9JP | 50.922241 | -1.474416 | 437039 | 113774 | SU370137 | Yes |
SO16 9JX | 50.929299 | -1.47418 | 437050 | 114559 | SU370145 | Yes |
SO16 9RB | 50.925857 | -1.472332 | 437183 | 114177 | SU371141 | Yes |
SO16 9SD | 50.927879 | -1.474073 | 437059 | 114401 | SU370144 | Yes |