This page provides postcode data for the E00087134 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00087134 contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 350 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO1 2QJ | 50.925281 | -1.421325 | 440768 | 114140 | SU407141 | No |
SO1 5HG | 50.92452 | -1.423825 | 440593 | 114054 | SU405140 | No |
SO1 5HH | 50.924268 | -1.423629 | 440607 | 114026 | SU406140 | No |
SO1 5HJ | 50.923543 | -1.424335 | 440558 | 113945 | SU405139 | No |
SO1 5HL | 50.92351 | -1.423239 | 440635 | 113942 | SU406139 | No |
SO1 5HN | 50.92387 | -1.423192 | 440638 | 113982 | SU406139 | No |
SO1 5JQ | 50.925083 | -1.422964 | 440653 | 114117 | SU406141 | No |
SO1 5JR | 50.925261 | -1.422578 | 440680 | 114137 | SU406141 | No |
SO1 5JS | 50.924432 | -1.422318 | 440699 | 114045 | SU406140 | No |
SO1 5NL | 50.924748 | -1.424462 | 440548 | 114079 | SU405140 | No |
SO15 5HG | 50.92452 | -1.423825 | 440593 | 114054 | SU405140 | Yes |
SO15 5HH | 50.924268 | -1.423629 | 440607 | 114026 | SU406140 | Yes |
SO15 5HJ | 50.923534 | -1.424335 | 440558 | 113944 | SU405139 | Yes |
SO15 5HL | 50.92351 | -1.423239 | 440635 | 113942 | SU406139 | Yes |
SO15 5HN | 50.92387 | -1.423192 | 440638 | 113982 | SU406139 | Yes |
SO15 5JQ | 50.925083 | -1.422964 | 440653 | 114117 | SU406141 | Yes |
SO15 5JR | 50.925261 | -1.422578 | 440680 | 114137 | SU406141 | Yes |
SO15 5JS | 50.924432 | -1.422318 | 440699 | 114045 | SU406140 | Yes |
SO15 5NL | 50.924748 | -1.424462 | 440548 | 114079 | SU405140 | Yes |
SO15 7QJ | 50.925281 | -1.421325 | 440768 | 114140 | SU407141 | Yes |