This is a list of postcodes in the SE4 area covering the areas of Brockley, Crofton Park, Western Ladywell, Honor Oak, Lewisham. The area contains approximately 11,870 households with a population of about 28,613 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SE4 9FL | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | Yes |
SE4 9FN | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | No |
SE4 9FP | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | No |
SE4 9FQ | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | No |
SE4 9FR | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | Yes |
SE4 9FS | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | Yes |
SE4 9FT | 51.463439 | -0.035706 | 536551 | 175659 | TQ365756 | Yes |