AB23 8JE properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the AB23 8JE area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available. There are 49 UPRNs in the AB23 8JE postcode.

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
9051143107 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204031 -2.100766
9051143108 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204031 -2.100766
9051143109 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204031 -2.100766
9051143110 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204031 -2.100766
9051143111 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204031 -2.100766
9051143112 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204031 -2.100766
9051143113 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203905 -2.100716
9051143114 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203833 -2.100683
9051143115 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203743 -2.10065
9051143116 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203743 -2.10065
9051143117 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203474 -2.100467
9051143118 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.20342 -2.10045
9051143119 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203321 -2.100384
9051143120 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203249 -2.100351
9051143121 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203151 -2.100284
9051143122 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203088 -2.100251
9051143123 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202845 -2.100267
9051143124 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202764 -2.100233
9051143125 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202702 -2.1002
9051143126 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202648 -2.100183
9051143127 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202549 -2.100133
9051143128 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.20219 -2.099984
9051143129 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202091 -2.099934
9051143130 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202028 -2.099917
9051143131 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.201947 -2.099884
9051143132 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.201902 -2.099867
9051143133 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204057 -2.101164
9051143134 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.204003 -2.101147
9051143135 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203958 -2.10113
9051143136 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203905 -2.101114
9051143137 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203824 -2.10108
9051143138 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203752 -2.101047
9051143139 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203644 -2.10103
9051143140 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203321 -2.101013
9051143141 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203231 -2.100963
9051143142 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203168 -2.100946
9051143143 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203087 -2.100896
9051143144 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.203024 -2.100863
9051143145 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202791 -2.100647
9051143146 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202719 -2.10063
9051143147 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202638 -2.100614
9051143148 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202567 -2.10058
9051143149 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202423 -2.100514
9051143150 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202234 -2.100431
9051143151 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202171 -2.100397
9051143152 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202073 -2.100331
9051143153 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.202001 -2.100297
9051143154 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.201911 -2.100281
9051143155 Get address Shielhill Avenue 57.201857 -2.100247