AB36 8YA properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the AB36 8YA area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available. There are 12 UPRNs in the AB36 8YA postcode.

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
151104421 Get address A944 57.180269 -3.112249
151104425 Get address A944 57.184825 -3.11007
151104426 Get address A944 57.185707 -3.109897
151104427 Get address A944 57.185626 -3.109895
151104428 Get address A944 57.18489 -3.112884
151104429 Get address A944 57.185345 -3.113162
151158496 Get address 57.184341 -3.104777
151163300 Get address 57.181019 -3.111742
151501303 Get address A944 57.185096 -3.11294
151651329 Get address A944 57.184776 -3.112566
151704590 Get address A944 57.185536 -3.109892
10015279597 Get address 57.180964 -3.111823