DN12 1JT properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the DN12 1JT area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10006606618 Get address 53.481991 -1.184117
10006608215 Get address 53.482045 -1.18276
10006608216 Get address 53.481763 -1.184935
10006615667 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481495 -1.186492
10006615668 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481513 -1.186477
10006615669 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.48153 -1.186431
10006615670 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481548 -1.186401
10006615671 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481557 -1.186371
10006615672 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481592 -1.18628
10006615673 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481601 -1.186234
10006615674 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481619 -1.186204
10006615676 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481627 -1.186158
10006615677 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481645 -1.186098
10006615678 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481663 -1.186067
10006615679 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481672 -1.186022
10006615681 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481689 -1.185991
10006615682 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481698 -1.185961
10006615683 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481707 -1.185916
10006615684 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481725 -1.185885
10006615685 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481733 -1.185855
10006615686 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481777 -1.185719
10006615687 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481795 -1.185673
10006615688 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481804 -1.185643
10006615689 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.48183 -1.185567
10006615690 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481839 -1.185537
10006615691 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481866 -1.185476
10006615692 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481874 -1.18543
10006615693 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481883 -1.1854
10006615694 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481901 -1.185354
10006628877 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.482032 -1.184915
10006629523 Get address Granby Road 53.481738 -1.185297
10006630417 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.48176 -1.185794
10006630418 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481769 -1.185749
10006630419 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481812 -1.185597
10006631210 Get address Granby Road 53.482053 -1.184025
10006631211 Get address Granby Road 53.482055 -1.184221
10006631212 Get address Granby Road 53.482037 -1.184297
10006631213 Get address Granby Road 53.48202 -1.184358
10006631214 Get address Granby Road 53.482002 -1.184463
10006631215 Get address Granby Road 53.481985 -1.184539
10006631216 Get address Granby Road 53.481915 -1.184782
10006631217 Get address Granby Road 53.481879 -1.184858
10006631218 Get address Granby Road 53.481853 -1.184949
10006631219 Get address Granby Road 53.481827 -1.185024
10006631220 Get address Granby Road 53.481809 -1.185115
10006631221 Get address Granby Road 53.481774 -1.185191
10006631222 Get address Granby Road 53.481712 -1.185388
10006631223 Get address Granby Road 53.481686 -1.185479
10006631224 Get address Granby Road 53.481659 -1.185555
10006631225 Get address Granby Road 53.481624 -1.185646
10006631226 Get address Granby Road 53.481571 -1.185738
10006631227 Get address Granby Road 53.481544 -1.185828
10006631228 Get address Granby Road 53.481518 -1.185904
10006631229 Get address Granby Road 53.4815 -1.185965
10006631230 Get address Granby Road 53.481465 -1.186041
10006631231 Get address Granby Road 53.481439 -1.186132
10006631232 Get address Granby Road 53.481403 -1.186208
10006631233 Get address Granby Road 53.481386 -1.186268
10006631234 Get address Granby Road 53.481359 -1.186329
10006631235 Get address Granby Road 53.481324 -1.186405
10006631236 Get address Granby Road 53.481067 -1.187073
10006631237 Get address Granby Road 53.48105 -1.187149
10006631238 Get address Granby Road 53.481024 -1.187225
10006631239 Get address Granby Road 53.480997 -1.187286
10006631240 Get address Granby Road 53.48097 -1.187346
10006631241 Get address Granby Road 53.480935 -1.187437
10006631242 Get address Granby Road 53.480909 -1.187513
10006631243 Get address Granby Road 53.480891 -1.187574
10006631244 Get address Granby Road 53.480784 -1.187681
10006631693 Get address Granby Road 53.481695 -1.181516
10006631694 Get address Granby Road 53.48174 -1.181605
10006631695 Get address Granby Road 53.481668 -1.181546
10006631696 Get address Granby Road 53.481759 -1.18168
10006631697 Get address Granby Road 53.481977 -1.182068
10006631698 Get address Granby Road 53.482032 -1.182203
10006631699 Get address Granby Road 53.48205 -1.182278
10006631700 Get address Granby Road 53.482069 -1.182368
10006631701 Get address Granby Road 53.482088 -1.182443
10006631702 Get address Granby Road 53.482106 -1.182548
10006631703 Get address Granby Road 53.482125 -1.182608
10006631704 Get address Granby Road 53.482118 -1.182984
10006631883 Get address Granby Road 53.481288 -1.186481
10006631884 Get address Granby Road 53.481253 -1.186572
10006631885 Get address Granby Road 53.481235 -1.186633
10006631886 Get address Granby Road 53.4812 -1.186709
10006631887 Get address Granby Road 53.481173 -1.1868
10006631888 Get address Granby Road 53.481147 -1.186861
10006631889 Get address Granby Road 53.481129 -1.186921
10006631890 Get address Granby Road 53.481094 -1.187012
10006708331 Get address 53.481944 -1.18243
100050703698 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.482042 -1.18493
100050703699 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481996 -1.184886
100050703700 Get address Broomhouse Lane 53.481951 -1.184841
100050728139 Get address Granby Road 53.481812 -1.181634
100050728141 Get address Granby Road 53.481849 -1.181739
100050728143 Get address Granby Road 53.481904 -1.181858
100050728145 Get address Granby Road 53.48194 -1.181948
100050728147 Get address Granby Road 53.481986 -1.182038
100050728149 Get address Granby Road 53.482031 -1.182127
100050728151 Get address Granby Road 53.482077 -1.182277
100050728153 Get address Granby Road 53.482096 -1.182382
100050728155 Get address Granby Road 53.482115 -1.182487
100050728157 Get address Granby Road 53.482142 -1.182592
100050728175 Get address Granby Road 53.481801 -1.185176
100050728177 Get address Granby Road 53.481765 -1.185267
100050728179 Get address Granby Road 53.481739 -1.185327
100050728181 Get address Granby Road 53.481712 -1.185403
100050728183 Get address Granby Road 53.481686 -1.185524
100050728185 Get address Granby Road 53.48166 -1.1856
100050728187 Get address Granby Road 53.481642 -1.185676
100050728189 Get address Granby Road 53.481616 -1.185752
100050728191 Get address Granby Road 53.481562 -1.185843
100050728193 Get address Granby Road 53.481536 -1.185934
100050728195 Get address Granby Road 53.481501 -1.186025
100050728197 Get address Granby Road 53.481474 -1.186101
100050728199 Get address Granby Road 53.481368 -1.186314
100050728201 Get address Granby Road 53.481333 -1.186405
100050728203 Get address Granby Road 53.481315 -1.186466
100050728205 Get address Granby Road 53.481289 -1.186542
100050728207 Get address Granby Road 53.481253 -1.186648
100050728209 Get address Granby Road 53.481227 -1.186724
100050728211 Get address Granby Road 53.481191 -1.1868
100050728213 Get address Granby Road 53.481156 -1.186876
100050728215 Get address Granby Road 53.480979 -1.187286
100050728217 Get address Granby Road 53.481033 -1.18733
100050728219 Get address Granby Road 53.481114 -1.187374
100050780214 Get address Stubbins Hill 53.48082 -1.187696