LA2 0LH properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the LA2 0LH area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10009273264 Get address Main Road 53.985916 -2.789314
10009273962 Get address Main Road 53.986938 -2.789714
10009280291 Get address Main Road 53.984537 -2.792612
10009281329 Get address Main Road 53.982428 -2.792084
10009281332 Get address Main Road 53.983987 -2.792785
10009281333 Get address Main Road 53.984079 -2.792451
10015349244 Get address Main Road 53.985568 -2.790176
10024269148 Get address Main Road 53.984917 -2.786687
10024808078 Get address Main Road 53.982625 -2.796358
10025317825 Get address Main Road 53.986467 -2.786121
10025322890 Get address Main Road 53.982317 -2.789795