LA2 8RD properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the LA2 8RD area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10009273847 Get address Slaidburn Road 54.081385 -2.505442
10009273848 Get address Petersbottom Lane 54.074784 -2.486915
10009273849 Get address Petersbottom Lane 54.072173 -2.487832
10009280016 Get address Balshaw Road 54.072142 -2.501968
10009280072 Get address Slaidburn Road 54.078423 -2.500179
10009280934 Get address Petersbottom Lane 54.075045 -2.486812
10009284662 Get address Petersbottom Lane 54.074541 -2.486897
10009284804 Get address Balshaw Road 54.07434 -2.500817
10009290557 Get address Petersbottom Lane 54.081739 -2.496046
10025498204 Get address Lythe Fell Road 54.067166 -2.467681
10025498849 Get address Lythe Fell Road 54.060932 -2.464692
10094208943 Get address Balshaw Road 54.072025 -2.499919
200001129128 Get address Slaidburn Road 54.081476 -2.505168
200002375539 Get address Slaidburn Road 54.081547 -2.503212