LL65 4YD properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the LL65 4YD area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available. There are 11 UPRNs in the LL65 4YD postcode.

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10013466065 Get address 53.323325 -4.549581
10013466066 Get address 53.323076 -4.549431
10013466067 Get address 53.322147 -4.540336
10013466070 Get address 53.320825 -4.542014
10013466071 Get address 53.321872 -4.54056
10013466072 Get address 53.321761 -4.540298
10015292246 Get address 53.321301 -4.546667
10024761955 Get address 53.323102 -4.543621
10024762927 Get address 53.324981 -4.540654
10090599587 Get address 53.323076 -4.549431
10090602132 Get address 53.323648 -4.54963