NP19 8JQ properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the NP19 8JQ area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
100100671408 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587698 -2.964232
100100671409 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587641 -2.964606
100100671410 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587653 -2.964231
100100671411 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587596 -2.964605
100100671412 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587608 -2.96423
100100671413 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587551 -2.964604
100100671414 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587554 -2.964228
100100671415 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587497 -2.964603
100100671416 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587509 -2.964228
100100671417 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587452 -2.964602
100100671418 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587464 -2.964227
100100671419 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587398 -2.9646
100100671420 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.58741 -2.964225
100100671421 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587344 -2.964599
100100671422 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587356 -2.964224
100100671423 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.58729 -2.964598
100100671424 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587293 -2.964223
100100671425 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587236 -2.964597
100100671426 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587239 -2.964236
100100671427 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587182 -2.964596
100100671428 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587185 -2.964235
100100671429 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587128 -2.964595
100100671430 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587131 -2.964234
100100671431 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587074 -2.964594
100100671432 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587077 -2.964233
100100671433 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.58702 -2.964592
100100671434 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587014 -2.964231
100100671435 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.586957 -2.964591
100100671436 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.58696 -2.96423
100100671437 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.586903 -2.96459
100100671438 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.586906 -2.964229
100100671439 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.586849 -2.964603
100100671440 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.586861 -2.964228
200001919014 Get address Kenilworth Road 51.587806 -2.964205