SA33 4AY properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the SA33 4AY area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10004872377 Get address 51.826792 -4.541227
10009163455 Get address 51.828 -4.538146
10015548958 Get address 51.827211 -4.544705
10023608517 Get address 51.823836 -4.540669
200001713241 Get address 51.82637 -4.54116
200001713242 Get address 51.826522 -4.543723
200001731258 Get address 51.827196 -4.543311
200001731259 Get address 51.826622 -4.541174