SY8 4LL properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the SY8 4LL area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10009582785 Get address A456 52.310236 -2.656735
10022784951 Get address Church Walk 52.310441 -2.657031
10023695715 Get address 52.310432 -2.657119
200002628501 Get address Church Walk 52.310224 -2.657336
200002628502 Get address Church Walk 52.310179 -2.657394
200002628503 Get address Church Walk 52.310167 -2.657805
200002628504 Get address Church Walk 52.310203 -2.657864