TQ12 6BH properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the TQ12 6BH area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10032953209 Get address 50.520855 -3.638357
10032953515 Get address Mill Lane 50.520568 -3.638291
10032953768 Get address 50.521352 -3.638812
10032957102 Get address 50.521823 -3.639167
10032957838 Get address 50.521269 -3.638273
10032980423 Get address Mill Lane 50.520903 -3.638105
10091648514 Get address 50.52145 -3.638843
10091652203 Get address 50.524439 -3.635434