WF12 7TG properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the WF12 7TG area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
83176180 Get address Waring Way 53.695671 -1.615931
83176181 Get address Waring Way 53.695887 -1.616035
83176182 Get address Waring Way 53.695645 -1.616007
83176183 Get address Waring Way 53.695861 -1.616263
83176184 Get address Waring Way 53.695555 -1.616129
83176185 Get address Waring Way 53.695826 -1.616475
83176186 Get address Waring Way 53.695421 -1.616312
83176187 Get address Waring Way 53.695862 -1.616642
83176188 Get address Waring Way 53.695493 -1.616418
83176189 Get address Waring Way 53.695809 -1.616824
83176190 Get address Waring Way 53.695565 -1.616493
83176191 Get address Waring Way 53.695646 -1.616598