Here's some stuff I've written in Delphi. Source code is provided for all these components. I only work on these files when I'm in the mood, so they don't get updated very often. If you make any useful changes to the source code or find any bugs, could you inform me so that I can integrate the changes with my code?
Demo? | Delphi version | |
TLCDLabel - An LCD display component. I didn't write this myself, although the original version has disappeared off the web, I've just updated it so it works with Delphi 7 | No | 7 |
TStopwatch - A stopwatch component. Requires the TLCDLabel component. Used in the Stopwatch application | No | 5, 6, 7 |
TToolhelpSnapshot - A wrapper around some of the Windows Toolhelp functionality. This won't work with NT4. Now allows processes to be killed | No | 5 |
TFileVersionInfo - A component to get the version information from EXEs, DLLs etc. | No | 5 |
TWebLabel - A label that will take the user to a webpage using the default browser. Simply set the Webpage property | Yes | 5 |
TIPControl - A wrapper round the Windows IP address control | No | 5 |
TColourButton and TOwnerDrawButton - A coloured button control and the owner-draw button from which it derives | Yes | 5 |