
My brother was a little upset with Windows XP because it no longer allowed him to call Explorer with parameters such as "c:\win*\sys*" like in the good old Win95 days. So I wrote him this little app to allow him to do it.

Download it here (requires .NET Framework 2.0)

And here is the source code

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;

namespace ExploreXP
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      string[] splitPath;
      if (args.Length > 0)
        splitPath = args[0].Split('\\');
        splitPath = new string[0];

      string currentDir = "";

      if (splitPath.Length > 0)
        currentDir = splitPath[0];

        for (int Loop = 1; Loop < splitPath.Length; Loop++)
          string[] matches = Directory.GetDirectories(currentDir + "\\", splitPath[Loop]);
          if (matches.Length > 0)
            currentDir = matches[0];

      Process.Start("explorer", currentDir);