This is a list of postcodes in the FK18 area covering the areas of Callander, Strathyre, Falkirk. The area contains approximately 96 households with a population of about 234 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
FK18 8NA | 56.324933 | -4.327884 | 256145 | 717162 | NN561171 | Yes |
FK18 8NB | 56.328491 | -4.325561 | 256302 | 717553 | NN563175 | Yes |
FK18 8ND | 56.331871 | -4.324068 | 256407 | 717926 | NN564179 | Yes |
FK18 8NF | 56.328185 | -4.331334 | 255944 | 717531 | NN559175 | Yes |
FK18 8NG | 56.320396 | -4.332594 | 255837 | 716667 | NN558166 | Yes |
FK18 8NJ | 56.319735 | -4.327589 | 256144 | 716583 | NN561165 | Yes |
FK18 8NL | 56.323756 | -4.329759 | 256025 | 717035 | NN560170 | Yes |
FK18 8NQ | 56.323213 | -4.331893 | 255891 | 716979 | NN558169 | Yes |
FK18 8WX | 56.244734 | -4.217762 | 262666 | 708013 | NN626080 | No |